G920 wheel not detecting

Hey Guys,

My Logitech G920 is attached and working great in Dirt and Project Cars, but Apex does not see it. It only thinks I have a keyboard attached. I have the most recent driver/software and firmware installed. My Apex install is current, and works fine if I use my Xbox Elite controller wirelessly. Any ideas?

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I am having exacty the same issues. Unfortunatly haven’t found a fix for it yet.

same problem here too :frowning:

My G29 will not detect once I get into the game. Pedals, wheel or shifter, nothing works at all. Do I have to do something to “update” the game to get it to see the wheel or is something wrong somewhere?

good and solve the problem, update windows and the latest version of the game which already has support for this wheel was installed and others :wink:

I have the same problem. Wheel works with other racing games but with Apex not even detected. I go to wheel, choose Logitech G920 from the dropdown list but when I press accept a message tells me that I have selected an incompatible layout.

I’ve installed the game twice and re-installed the wheel. I think I’m giving up with this. Gutted as I just sold my Xbox One to move back to PC gaming :frowning: