While i was bored, i thought i’d try something as a personal challenge. This is what i tried:
- Pick the slowest car you can think of in the game and do hotlaps with it on a circuit track (no assists). Try to choose a real-world circuit track with many turns and keep it under 5 miles long. Remember your best time.
- Pick the fastest car you can think of in the game and do hotlaps on the same track (no assists) and try to HALF the time you had with the slow car.
Alternatively, you can do a 2 player race against someone where you have to complete 2 laps on a FAST car before they can complete 1 lap on a SLOW car. Both players must be similarly skilled.
Sounds like a really easy challenge, but i’ve tried this several times with different cars and tracks, and wasn’t able to do it. One would think that an F1 car would be easily twice as fast as a Beetle.
If you try it, please let us know what cars you used and track along with your times.