Free car...

I have doubles of it and I want to give it away. I don’t auction cars anymore after being “E-Chewed Out” for selling a car at a fraction of the price of what it cost at the dealership. 200,000 for a 1.1 million dollar car, and this guy thought it was too much. But he was selling 19 Reventons for 150 million STARTING BID EACH. So, free car to the first person that messages me on live stating that you’re messaging me for the free car.

1989 Merccedes-Benz #63 Sauber-Mercedes C 9

GT: BttleFed

if it is your will. can you give me a car, please.
thank you

My GT is in the first post…

Fourthstar got it…

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some people’s logic on the auction house always did baffle me

I would say don’t let it get to you sure he may be selling that many reventons which at this stage of the game is very possible to see but I don’t see anyone buying one from him anytime soon :wink:

It’s just very irritating you know? And its not really the number of cars he was selling, but the price. 100’s of millions, yet I sold ONE car, for LESS THAN A QUARTER of the cars’ value. He claimed it was too much 'cause it was a prize car…

That guy is just butthurt. I’m pretty sure it’s one of those guys that sell cars 50x its real value because it has some generic abstract design. He’s spitting malarkey, because the C9 isn’t a reward car at all.

He was obviously upset you sold a car and thinks it robbed him of a sale - ignore the idiots and keep playing the game like you have been and have fun doing so.


This is one reason I don’t even want to venture into the world of buying cars from others.