Free Agant Thread

I was going to do this before they switched over to the new forums because i think it is a good idea. Too many people posted about how they are free agents looking for a team, so I thought we should take everyone who is a free agent and looking for a team and put them all in one thread. That way if teams are recruiting they can come here to look at people who are free agents. This can also be used so that free agents can meet each other and drift together as well.

Basically every free agent will just put a little bit of info about themselves and their experience drifting. Ill just put a few things I think everyone should put, but feel free to add anything you want.

Preferred Car, Class, HP:
Favorite Track:
Drifting Experience:
Previous Teams:
Wheel or Controller Drifter:

****If anyone can thing of any revisions to this or anything that should be added feel free to post and I will make revisions to it.

Ill go ahead and start things off.

GT: theLockableTub

Location/Timezone: NC/Eastern Time zone

Preferred Car, Class, HP: GT86, A-664, 504hp

Favorite Track: Any really, no preference

Drifting Experience: Been drifting and battling since Fm2, with the exception of fm4.

Previous Teams: Dynasty Drift, Kemuri Drift (My team) and a few small start up teams, nothing really major unless im forgetting some which i probably am.

Wheel or Controller Drifter: Controller

Availability: Mostly after 7pm

Location: Us eastern time
Car: Holden hsv gts (avg 60k lap bernese) 994 Hp
Experience: tiny bit in forza 4 a lot in forza 5
Previous teams: None
Availablity: 4:00 pm - 10:30 pm eastern

I think you should add favorite track and and avg points

Favorite track I do think is a good idea, Average Points however I dont believe is that important because most teams are looking for if you can tandem and battle.

GT: Fa11enXV

Location/Timezone: Eastern (GMT -5)

Preferred Car, Class, HP: Silvia S15

Favorite Track: Tsukuba

Drifting Experience: 2007-present

Previous Teams: Doomtree, Noisemaker, Smoke ‘N’ Flow, Intensify-D

Wheel or Controller Drifter: Controller

Availability: Mainly afternoons, early evening

GT: Nv Damien

Location/Timezone: CT,Eastern time zone

Preferred Car, Class, HP: Honda NSX,A700,560hp

Favorite Track: was Tsukuba but since no Tsukuba in forza 5 i have to settle for Silverstone

Drifting Experience:ive been drifting in virtual life since FM2 and drifting in reallife about 4 years (two weeks after i boought an RX7)

Previous Teams: to many to keep track of or recall…

Wheel or Controller Drifter: as of right now im a roller but once a clutch wheel comes out i will be a wheeler0

Availability: any time after 5pm eastern timezone

GT: SDz R0B3RTS ( o is a zero e is a 3)

Location/Timezone: Missouri / central

Preferred Car, Class, HP: rx7

Favorite Track: Silverstone

Drifting Experience: Since start of fm2

Previous Teams: Project R, SMKA, FRT, TGF and SnF the ones i can remeber

Wheel or Controller Drifter: Controller

Availability: depends on work schedual but on my days off all day

GT: Hikey89

Location/Timezone: GA,Eastern time zone

Preferred Car, Class, HP: R33,A698,691HP. Im not set on one car, i like to jump around. I’ll drift anything in A or S class

Favorite Track: Being from GA, gotta go with Road Atlanta.

Drifting Experience: Drifted a lot in FM4 (~3 years), been drifting in FM5 since x-mas

Previous Teams: None. would like to give it a shot.

Wheel or Controller Drifter: Controller

Availability: anytime, can go all night

GT: xebot360

Location/Timezone: isle of man/GMT

Preferred Car, Class, HP: Mazda RX7 S 525hp (don’t judge me)

Favorite Track: Iberian short

Drifting Experience: fm3 but not much but ive drifted with team deviance

Previous Teams: Project Aero (now dead )

Wheel or Controller Drifter: controller

Availability: 4pm -8:30pm weekdays 11am-9:30pm weekends

does anyone know when VFD sign up is as well plz.

GT: HeatingWaif5

Location/Timezone: Adelaide Australia GMT +9:30

Preferred Car, Class, HP: Preferred R34 or HSV GTS around 550 hp on both and A class

Favorite Track: Catalunya or Spa

Drifting Experience: I’ve been drifting casually since the original Forza and started to compete in FM4 only 2 tourneys and came 8th and 10th

Previous Teams: this will be my first team

Wheel or Controller Drifter: Controller at the moment but wheel when i get the funds (eventually)

Availability: after 7-late Monday and Fridays, 10-late every other day all day on the weekends normally


Location/Timezone: Eastern

Preferred Car, Class, HP: RX-7 Gen 3

Favorite Track: Sliverstone

Drifting Experience: Drifting since Forza 2

Previous Teams: Intensify-Drift/ Noise Makers /Intensify-Drift

Wheel or Controller Drifter: Controller

Availability:Evenings unless its the weekend

GT: IX Stealth XI

Location/Timezone: Pa EST

Preferred Car, Class, HP: I have yet to actually find a perfect as I just got Forza 5. I do prefer to keep cars at A-S range below 600 hp

Favorite Track: Not one I prefer they all add a special challenge

Drifting Experience: Ive been drifting since forza 1.

Previous Teams: my last team was Smoke n Flow. Left because my 360 died

Wheel or Controller Drifter: controller (for now)

Availability:anytime just tell me when and where

GT: Artwebber

Location/Timezone: melbourne australia +10 GMT

Preferred Car, Class, HP: RX7 A class 610 hp v8 swapped

Favorite Track: test track or Catalunya School Circuit

Drifting Experience: drifting since FM2

Previous Teams: a few lol XE , doomtree , NLR … last was zenki

Wheel or Controller Drifter: TX wheel drifter with full race cockpit :slight_smile:

Availability: 3:30am till 6am weekdays 12am till 6am weekends +10 GMT that is

im just putting this out here seeing what teams are around

GT: I Be Flocking

Location/Timezone: UK GMT

Preferred car, Class, HP: R34 Skyline A class

Fav track: Silverstone national

Drifting experience: Drifting since FM3

Previous teams: Natural and thats all i remember really

Wheel or Controller drifter: Rollor

Availability: Mostly everyday :wink: