This isn’t a huge issue but still bothersome. In the main menu when you go into Forzavista mode there is a small black bar about 2/3 of the way down the screen with a baby blue square in it the whole time. Anyone else have this? I have slightly older nvidia drivers running because apparently newer drivers are having issues with Forza and the game runs perfect for the most part right now. I’m hoping it isn’t a driver issue because I’d rather not update them.
Same here, I have the lastest nvidia driver and I get that rectangle in Forzavista whether it is in the garage or in track.
Yep, I saw it too. It’s like a little blue box at the bottom, doesn’t matter which car you choose, looks like a glitch.
They need to also enable toggle headlights in Forzavista outside photo mode.
Link to picture:!AtxqUuX8TzGAhzxwMj_K_rjgrcos
(Not sure why OneDrive link isn’t clickable, they need to make posting pics easier on this forum)
Console: Xbox One X
Same thing here on XBOX One X. It wasn’t there before. Definitely a glitch/bug somewhere.
It’s what they use to watch you
Same here on PC. I was wondering what it was.
Also on top of having that glitch am I the only one who thinks there should be some sort of narration telling you about the car when you click on the info clips outside and in. It just seems like there should be some info about the car etc