Forzathon Problem - Bringing It Around

Hi, I have trying to complete this section BRING IT AROUND - CHALLENGE ONE without any success. It states that i must win a race at ROAD AMERICA WEST ROUTE in an AWD A CLASS car. i tried that without any joy, i have even tried EAST ROUTE & WEST ROUT ALT and even tried WEST ROUTE in just a AWD car all without joy. Is there a problem with this challenge or have they put the wrong challenge down. Please someone must have an idea what to do to complete this challenge, PLEASE HELP ME its doing my head in now.[/h][/h]

Having the same problem. I have several class A AWD cars, and have tried every one of them with no luck on making progress in this forzathon challenge. I don’t know what requirements I’m not meeting. Any assistance would be appreciated.

I have found how to do it. You drive just a AWD CAR only

I don’t know if it makes a difference but are you all driving a car that was A-Class AWD STOCK? I used one of the Audi’s and it worked just fine for me.