Hello guys so today i was searching in the forza tv browser for an audi r8 replay video, when i came across the 2006 #2 Audi sport North America R8 race car. i found it strange because that car is not in the dealership so i think that could be a upcoming dlc car. for proof just go to forza tv search audi and scroll through the models and you should find it.
Should put up a picture or video!
The #2 R8 is one of the five cars that have been in the game since launch, yet have not been available to purchase.
Most theories link them to the supposedly-cancelled Super Pass, which was to have offered “3 expansions” as well as the Season Pass, with 5 exclusive extra cars.
The conclusion most arrive at is that the Super Pass was cancelled in the wake of the microtransaction controversy, and the cars were meant to be unlocked by purchasing it. After cancelling it, these cars are now stuck in limbo.
That’s the theory, at least. If I recall correctly, the cars are this Audi, a Mercedes (SL55AMG?), a Dodge Challenger, a C4 ZR1, and something else (I forget.).
Well I hope that the super pass is real and has not been canceled. Or just make the cars free. Seems a shame to leave them in limbo.
On a similar note, when you go to create a private multiplayer match, one body family of car is German Touring Car. Of course we do not have any yet, but it may be a sign of things to come.
There are quite a few items in the body family list that are not in FM5 yet but will hopefully be coming soon.
Yeah. If Forza 5 takes the same path as its predecessor, we have a lot of downloadable content to come. How people feel about this raises mixed emotions; but, for those of us who look to get another year-and-a-half worth of mileage out of the game, ongoing additions will be welcomed.