Forza Motorsport 5 Milestone

Now that the online “crisis” has been resolved and those who had nearly lost their minds are calmed down, I think a congratulations to the Turn 10 team is due for amassing more than one million in Forza Motorsport 5 sales. Before the comments come in from left field to downplay this achievement, this figure makes up one-third of all Xbox One console owners!

Of course, the critics are bound to rear their heads; so, let us all try to keep in mind that Forza Motorsport 5 represents the franchise’s first day one console title release and that many changes and surprises can be expected of the series, moving forward. Congratulations Forza developers and fans!

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I check to see how many of my friend have it

Rivals Mode
R Class
Prague Full

It is the intro race in FM5 that everyone must play.

As of right now 1,461,745 scores on that race, so getting close to 1.5 million played.

Congrats T10

Yeah congrats to T10, I just hope the sales will continue to grow as much as possible so that T10 can continue their good work and even improve their franchise