Hi there, can you owners with both versions tell the differences of the two games in more detail?
I have done a lot of research, youtube vids, reading for months but info is vague, there isn’t even many reviews from the famous sites for the 360.
I have the 360 version, and to be honest although I love the game, feels a little missing here and there.
I own a car that is a spliced version of the galant, so I would love to have the storm island dlc, but I know DLCs arent in my version.
Someone a few days ago said the there is a dlc available though, but I don’t think so.
I bought a 360 to play this, brand new (for only $100) slim e and to be honest feels like I own a Xone but in better size lol as they look similiar lol
anyway please yeah feel free to divulge