I know the game hasn’t come out yet. But since the game already looks amazing and has many details, I’m looking for friends to cruise with down mountainsides and down highways in the amazing Forza Horizon 2 on xbox one. If anyone’s interested, just comment in the discussion here. Look forward to cruising with you guys
Right on bro !
I’m down. Hit me up.
Hope to get a Xbone by then Hopefully
I’m in. Honestly this game is going to be amazing!
It will be a day one purchase for me so I’ll be looking for people as well
sounds good. I am glad that they are putting more into the social aspect of the game as well. Im down.
First reply on the forums ever! Just want to say hit me up with a friends request. Will be getting this day one!!
Idk dude i don`t have you keeping up with my R34 Skyline.
I am so excited for Horizon 2 and I will have it the day it is out!
Feel free to add me! I am still playing Forza 5 too. You might want to send a message so I know to follow ya back though.
Looking forwarding to racing with everyone!
Add me too =)
Great look forward to racing with you all! Add me on Xbox LIVE Gamertag: LXG SHOOTER
Gamertag; Radionotme
Already got this pre-ordered, can’t wait!
At least in the meantime we get to enjoy the Nurburgring…
GT is Aerialight, will have it the day it comes out and I already got a One. (:
I will have it on day one
You can add me also, GT is ax3l blackhart. Having fun on The Ring on Forza 5.
I need more friends that play Forza as well. I didn’t have many friends who played Horizon. My gamertag is Klint Beastw00d.
If it’ll help me complete achievements on FH2 faster, feel free to add me as well… I also play FM5, though I’m not much on leaderboards or playing much in the hoppers.
I’m on the east coast of the USA (GMT -5), usually on evenings.