Forza Fans, I come to you on bended knee...

I’ve become a Forza 5 achievement junkie. I’ve been having too great of a time driving instead of painting, so I only have one design up instaed of the number I had up in F4. I’m not asking for anyone to download it, I’m simply hoping that if any of the 18 wonderful people (that I can’t thank enough) who have downloaded my design and are seeing this thread to please “like” it! I know its not great, its not even good, but I just want the achievement!! Yes I am begging like a hungry dog.

Thanks for listening to an emotionally compromised FM addict.

It’s the Pabst Blue Ribbon Mini, Posted under my Gamertag Dillifec13. I tried posting a pic of it but it seems to be fighting me. Thanks again.

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I will be on soon doing the affinity for various cars so will download it and run it.

Welcome, Achievement Hunter :wink:
If you want to get these achievements but can’t find anyone to use your tune/design, you could also help yourself by creating a second account and use your stuff yourself.
It does take quite a while though.

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What I did was use a 2nd account ( can be another family member as long as you have a gold account or family pack ) and load a drag tune for 1 mile set up and a design from the first account. Them go to multiplayer and create a private race under test track 1 mile drag. Set it to 10 passes and set opponents to 0 and drivatars to 1. Then start, if you want you can get a rubberband and put around the handle of the controller holding the gas on wide open. You will make a pass and then the counter will count flown front 20 or 30 seconds ant it will auto start for the 10 passes when all 10 are fond you do it again. I think it will take 100 races per day to get any credits. If you do around 250 passes I believe you will be pretty close to the 3 achievements in design and the 3 in tuning. I think it is like 5000, 15000 , and 30000 credits each or something like that. I did like 600 in a day and way overshot what I needed. Hope this helps you out.


Thanks for the help everyone! Really appreciate it.