Forza 6 multiplayer

Hello, I currently own Forza 6 for Xbox One. My question is this: Can two seperate housholds each with Xbox One Edition of Forza 6, with two players per household, for a total of 4 player, play Forza 6 in a private lobbie if only 2 of the 4 players have an xbox one Gold account?

So Player 1 and 2 are in the same house. Player 3 and 4 are in a different house. Only Player 1 and 3 have Xbox One Gold memberships. Can all 4 players play in private lobbie for Forza 6?

Idk if Forza 6 has split screen but if so, then yes!

To do this, have the 2 guests create an Xbox live account or you and the other xbox owner create new accounts as a spare. The xbox allows sharing of the xbox live gold membership to 20 (or maybe it’s 10? Idk) accounts per xbox.

This is how some players can afford to having numerous accounts…they are only paying gold for one account.

Thanks. I will see if that fixes my problem