I don’t own Forza 5 but can I purchase Forza 5 VIP just so I can receive that Ferrari that comes with Forza 5 VIP Members?
20 Dollars for a car.
I like Forza… This year I am all the way in!
I don’t own Forza 5 but can I purchase Forza 5 VIP just so I can receive that Ferrari that comes with Forza 5 VIP Members?
20 Dollars for a car.
I like Forza… This year I am all the way in!
why pay for it when you can just buy it in game from the buy cars section ( it’s only 800,000 credits) …it’s not just exclusively for Forza 5 VIP…but was just a loyalty gift
if you have already started playing Forza 6 it would be pointless anyway as those loyalty gifts are only given when you first start playing
Thanks… I didn’t even bother to check the Manufacture…
newbie Error.