Forza 5 released soon ? Or not enough attention ?! (Developers please read this)

I am big fan of Forza Motorsport series… Own all limited edition games, some forza budle gear.

Since Forza 5 is released, I am bit upset about how things are done…

Not going to type a long article how my Fanatec CSR wheel is not compatible (probably microsoft thing) But still i think you should know that…

That was first big fail for me as Forza Fan… Not even going to tell you that here are just couple circuits with comparison of 4, i know that is marketing and they will come soon as some Packs for couple euros…

But thinks what have i found in Forza 5 a bit desipoint me…

1.I started to play and i picked a first car Audi RS3… ( I think I’m not the only one…) As I was driving along, changing camera modes I find you that RS3 is spitting fire from both side exhausts (It has only one on left side) Here is picture:
RS3 exhausts...

2.Then i just bought another car and said ok they released game too soon so that is 99% game finished… But i found another not nice things around in forza 5
Bigger brakes then wheels ? That doesn’t look nice on Berlinetta…
Berlinetta Brakes and Wheel...

3.Then again, i said to myself they released game to soon not to much attention do details… But what come after this…
Me as a owner of VW Scirocco of course wanted to try Scirocco R … But i found three things on it what are not really same in real life…

A: Scirocco R DRL lights were never orange…
Forza 5 Scirocco R DRL ORANGE ?!

B: While i was discovering forzavista Scirocco R I found that it has gear stick from regular (NON R) model…
Scirocco R (with non R model gear stick) Forza 5

C: Then when i was exiting a car in ForzaVista I found another not nice surprise…
Footrest (left foot) Is from regular Scirocco (No R model)
Footrest (non R model) Forza 5

This are thinks what i haven’t find on Forza 4… I think this problems came when you import stuff from forza4 or not paying to much attention to details… what you think ?
Let me know your opinion…

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OMG, REALLY??? the lights are ORANGE? they have the wrong FOOTREST and GEARSHIFT??? and they didn’t take into account that some people will put the wrong sort of wheels on different cars? that makes the game simply unplayable.


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