Myself and a friend have been playing Forza 5 private matches for a while, but we’re becoming frustrated that we can’t do multi-class races due to, what seems like, a bug with the AI. Essentially, this is the problem.
When I create a private multi-class race with a total of 16 drivers, (two real players, 14 AI), the AI cars will not change class or car to match the specifications. I can set the game to two classes or four classes, and set minimum and maximum amount of drivers per class, but despite this, all the cars will be listed as one class, so for example, C class. If I then select individual AI and change the group, the group colour will change, but the car and class refuses to change and therefore, upon starting the race, becomes a one car class race which is defeating the point.
Any help with this would be hugeeely appreciated, we’ve looked around but couldn’t find anything.