Forza 5 Photo Mode

Looking for someone to help me with taking photos in Forza 5. I can take a photo but I want to be able to mess with shutter speeds and apertures to get the best quality photo I can. Any help you give will be much appreciated!

Before you take you pic go left or right to change the from b&w and so on up and down to go through settings

I am awaiting my elgato capture card, once I get it, I will be making some new Videos specifically to tackle starting out in photography on Forza 5, starting with the basics, all the way up to editing and creating HDR photos.

For the most part, If you are not sure, set everything to 57, aside from the Focus, you do not need this setting while just starting out. The only options at that point, that need to be adjusted, is framing the picture, (making it eye-catching) and setting the focus on the object you want in focus. Remember that Aperture setting, makes some stuff in focus, so if you find too much of the image is out of focus, lower it.

Post up some pictures, and see what people think. The best way to get better, is to ask what other people see, because Excitement can blur the line of quality, and if the object that has been captured is not exciting, the entire focus is lost. That is when photography skills are key, knowing what the object you want to be the focal point, and making the image so everyone else sees that first when they look at it, is the key.

Here is a photo I just took, By tweaking all the settings the way I want the photo to turn out:

rhhh by -MARS- Photography, on Flickr

Here it is again, with everything set to 57’s, though I had to refocus, so it is slightly different than the above photo:

ehee by -MARS- Photography, on Flickr