So first of all hello community
A long long long time ago i stop playing Forza not because is a bad game or anything like that,just don’t have enough time to play it.
So i stop on forza 3(completed 100%) and not own any other forza with the exception of FH2 Fast and Furious.
With that being say im not updated on any forza things and im about to bought for 15 dollars forza 4 collectors edition(without the vip of course) but everything like the steelcase and bla bla yes.
And just sign in on the website it tell me something about rewards,how do i get more? or how the rewards work?
Another question is about the vip membership
This VIP thing it cost 20 dollars on the marketplace i heard you recieve alot of cars and stuff does it work it? they still give me the disccount of 5 dollars on the porshe dlc?
The VIP still gives you a discount on the Porsche pack and unlocks 4 cars you can buy in game, but the monthly reward cars are long gone and you don’t receive any of them.
So is no longer worth it i suppose ?
The vip pass and the porshe expansion are like 5 dollars of difference so…is worth it? or you think is better to bough it anyway? just looking for opinions of people that actually know about this stuff
VIPs also get their Cars listed above non-VIP members in the Auction House. You have to weigh if that, the additional four in game purchase cars and the Porsche Pack discount are worth it to you or not.
Thank you for taking your time to answer my questions,right now the season pass for forza 4 and horizon are at 5 dollars what do they include?
The Forza 4 season pass includes the first 6 car packs. I paid the full price for it last year (I also bought the game last year) and don’t regret a cent for it. At $4.49 is a bargain. Some wonderful cars in those packs.
I can’t help you with Horizon because I didn’t enjoy the game at all.