Forza 4 data transfer

Hello, I’m currently attempting to move my forza 4 data from one xbox to another, I know this is massively risky but it has to be done

The xbox hard drive with original FM4 data on is now faulty, and I am moving it to a new slim xbox 360.

My main concern is that I’ll do all of this, finish the game in many many hours time, and then won’t unlock the bucket list achievement.

Has anyone else successfully moved data and done this? or had any problems with this?

All feedback welcome

Moving Forza data is easy as long as you do it right.

You can use a USB thumb drive if that makes you more comfortable - MOVE, do not copy.

If you are using a transfer cable to move all the data from one drive to another just make sure it is a genuine MS product (and the right one for what you are doing), and then just follow the instructions.

I fear I may have messed up moving stuff, I just used the cloud system to move things

the main things like the save profile, replays, ghosts, car setups etc it wouldn’t actually let me copy, the only option was to move them.

I’m pretty sure that everything was moved over or downloaded again like all the dlc.

The main concern is that I finish the main game and don’t get the achievement

I’ve already put about 40 hours + into it but I’d still rather start again if there’s a risk it wouldn’t count in the end



look the cloud drive will work to move your saves on to another xbox with no harm.
now some stuff you need to transfer the license of the games: Xbox Support

hope that helps :slight_smile:

I would NOT suggest “the cloud” is the method. Read this: That is the easy, reliable way. I did it several times, flawlessly.

The problem with the “cloud” system is you need a “stub” on the hard drive which enables access for whatever games you’ve put up there. If your hard drive is iffy at best, and you’re moving off the HDD to a new one, the “stub” isn’t going to move. The result is you no longer have access, and everything goes bye-bye.


First of all thanks for posting the link
My Elite is almost 7yrs old and I just got a pretty good deal on a new 250gb console , so I’m going to be doing this soon. I just want to make sure I understand correctly. I setup the new console and fire it up to receive the latest software. then shut it down,hook up my old HD and proceed with the transfer.

The one I bought was purchased on black friday and was never opened or used so I’m sure it will need a update. I really don’t want to lose my progress The other thing to note is that the transfer cable I have is an older one that will only plug into the HD on my elite, but it is a genuine MS cable so I don’t think that will be a problem

I will look into using a data transfer cable

because I haven’t played FM4 on the new console, I just moved everything over or copied it, I might be able to take it off the new console and move it over again from scratch with the cable

thanks for the suggestions

I hope you didn’t “copy” it. You cannot have two exact copies of the game save information residing on two different consoles. If you do that the server system will through “tampered profile” flags all over the place on you.

Follow the instructions on the link I furnished, and you will be fine. NOTE: For any download content, you need to be precise BEFORE you launch the game to register the DLC on the new system, which can be done through the website BEFORE starting the game at all on the new Xbox 360. If you do not follow those procedures precisely, you will get a warning message when you launch the game and, IF ignored, any DLC in your Garage will be automatically removed.

No I definitely didn’t copy the main save game file because you can’t do that, you can only move it, so although it went from the old xbox to the new one and back again, there was only ever one save file.

I hope it works. I’d hate for you to lose all your wonderful paints!!! It’ll work, It’ll work…