The forum has been broken for a few days now on Chrome. All of the options at the top of the page are cluttered on top of each other.
Hmm, not just me then. And not just Chrome, Edge too.
im using chrome and everything looks fine to me
You need to be on the Discussion page.
they are always working on things behind the scenes, give it a few days and see if it clears itself up
It’s been a few days. Do you mean wait a few more days ?
We hope to have this resolved by Monday.
Good to hear, thank you !
Huh. I just assumed our version here at work was behind on updates or something. At least it’s still working. For a time starting a couple of weeks after the forums were updated they wouldn’t let me access them on my tablet, telling me my browser needed an update - works fine now, though the browser (and other apps, due to the OS no longer being able to be updated on the old hardware) hasn’t been able to be updated in ages
The news of the expansion literally broke the internet
Well that explains it, I think it looks very nice.
Looks different, and I got redirected from “forums.forzamotorsport” to “forums.forza”. Had to log back in, too.
yeah new address and looking fancier, im sure max will have all the details up soon but check out the new photo galleries and game stats pages
Use Firefox
Soz Windswept…… where? (can’t see for looking, LoL)
There’s no difference in colour between read & unread threads.
Images below shows the top one just updated and not read, the other two have been read.
It would be REALLY nice to have this stuff communicated to your users, because IT’S SUPPOSED TO BE A COMMUNITY!
Cheers mate
Yep, new look and stuff explains the temporary glitch. Looking sharp ! Still seems to be a couple things changing so I’m guessing there’s more work being done yet.
I don’t like the colour not changing.