How’s about a discussion about the next step, where will racing games be heading in the future? Well developers be pushing subscription titles at us? We already see expansion packs and the like so what will to keep both the devs earning money and the gamers sated?
Just a hypothetical ponderance; with escalating development costs, in that the time required to make, market and distribute a high end game, combined with the fickle nature of gamers is there enough money in releasing one title with a few updates and add ons or are we bearing witness to more cash for levels in gameplay? And if so, where will it end up in say ten years from now? Mmorpg forza?
that is one of the problems, almost everything belongs in a mega thread or some other board. there isn’t that much content in fm5 so everything already belongs elsewhere. i dont see the forum flood the mods are worried about.
You nailed it. Too many cry babies. Kind of like what I’m doing now.
I find myself spending more time in the tuner’s lounge and looking at the amazing paints. I only popped in now to look at the “beat the Stig”