[FM7] Database of Painters Gamertags, Tutorials & Useful Info

Added Dew!


Ravage Motorsports Design Shop
Creator: PAGEY07
Discription: RAVAGE

Multiple colour & number combos available,
Feel free to follow as continually updating and adding

Few examples:

Please set a Forza Gallery up and post your paints there, this can then be linked. Sorry i cant add you without that.

Known for quality Gumball 3000 replicas.

F7: https://forums.forza.net/turn10_postst106333_All-things-GUMBALL-3000-from-PolizeiYT---NEW---Josh-Cartu-488.aspx
H3: https://forums.forza.net/turn10_postst70420_Gumball-3000-by-PolizeiYT----2017-GB3K.aspx


Race Originals
Gallery link…



Both Added, cheers!

Original players got it all on our youtube channel - make sure to go check it out and sub.
Go follow Klart Ken1 if you dig the designs and videos -thx Original Players - YouTube

I know you want exposure but this is not the thread for it.


NitroDrift DK
Drift and Race Liveries
F7 topic gallery : https://forums.forza.net/turn10_postsm805371_-Drift--Race--Nitrodrift-PaintShop.aspx#post_805371


Added Sir!


1 Like

Testing photobucket

whatever your testing, it didnt work and why is it here?! lol

ps: who is this?! haha!


1 Like

Hey everyone. I just got FM7 after several years being away from FM online community. When I was more active during FM4, there were a lot of ‘Clubs’ of tuners and painters that would release cars and also do custom paint work for anyone with the cash.

So my question to the currently active community, who’s doing custom work? Do we have a running list of paint/tuning shops that are releasing on a regular basis?

I need a couple paint jobs :joy:


Much appreciated if you could add me on here -

GT: Siash3r
Paints: Original and Replica Race Liveries
Gallery: https://forums.forza.net/turn10_postst109872_Siash3r-s-Garage--Original-and-Replica-Race-Paints--Updated-21-10-17.aspx

Type: Race Replica / Original
Gallery: https://forums.forza.net/turn10_postst110227_Some-of-my-Designs.aspx

Don’t know if this guy has been added but latcho67 does some great replica drift paints, been following him since forza 6. It’s mostly D1GP reps, but they are spot on.

Race Liveries (Mainly Originals sponsored by Craft Breweries) & A Drift Livery
F7 topic gallery : https://forums.forza.net/turn10_postst110515_-RACE--hoptimizer-s-Craft-Liveries--NASCAR-Formula-Drift-70-s-Trans-Am-MX-5-Cup-BMW-Procar-GT.aspx


Will update thread shortly!


can add me then

Type: Race Replica / Original
Gallery Link

Type: Race Replica / Original
Gallery Link

Type: Race Replica / Original / Drift
Gallery Link

Hotrod King87
Type: Race Original / Fantasy
Gallery Link

All Added ^^