FM6 update on external HDD

Hi there,

i own Forza 6 on Xbox one and it require around 4.8GB of update.
i have slow internet connection so i was wondering if i can download the update externally (using fast internet connection) on external HD then transfer it the xbox one

thanks & regards,

Would probably be easier if you could just take your Xbox 1 to the location where you have access to a faster connection?
Not sure if this is possible for ya, just throwing out some ideas

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At my house I don’t have really fast internet, but jus enough for multiplayer and what not. If I have an update that’s more than 500 MB I’ll drive 20 minutes to my friends house, they have download speeds between 13-15MB/s.

  1. You need a XB1 to download the update. You can’t download it via PC or something else.

  2. You don’t need to carry your XB1 every time to the other place when your friend or whoever the person with the faster connection is, has a XB1 too.

2a. You can ‘configure’ every USB3-HDD or USB3-Stick with more than 256gb as an external XB1 drive via the storage-settings of your console.

2b. Once set, you can plug this external drive to every other XB1 to copy game data from or to the internal drive.

2b. If your friend also owns FM6 only thing you have to do is copy his updated game data to your external drive.

2c. If he doesn’t own FM6 just use your account on his XB1 to do this in the future.

2d. Back home you can start the game from the external drive, or you copy it to your internal. (btw: external is in most cases FASTER than internal)

2e. When you don’t have another XB1 at the other place, you need to bring your XB1 every time.


You can use the game data of an external drive with every XB1.
Your account will check every game stored on the external drive when you plug it in or/and when you want to launch the game.
Only thing you need is internet connection at this moment. Or use the ‘home console settings’.

I have two XB1. One at the place i work and one at the place i live. And the solution above works just fine.

What’s the up and down on your connection? If it’s a 4MB one, it might take 4 hours, or just under 4 hours, provided your connection’s is in good shape. You can bear with it for about 4 hours, yeah?

If not, then I guess, take your console to a friend’s house who has faster internet. Problem solved! :slight_smile:

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The life, eh? Xbox One at home AND work. :wink: