FM5 Photocomp Wk AI

Welcome to the Forza Motorsport 5 Photo Contest!

Submission Instructions
o To enter, upload your photo to the Forza Motorsport 5 storefront (in game) with “PhotocompAI” in the description. (All one word)
o You may post your photos in this thread if you would like to show them off on the forums, however it is not a requirement for entering the contest.

Rules of the Contest
o All photos must be taken by you. Posting someone else’s work is not allowed.
o Each user is allowed to submit 3 photos, if you upload more than three photos we will use only the most recent photos uploaded in our judging.
o Every photo that is selected to be featured is considered a winner and will win the weekly prize chosen by Turn 10.
o Winners will be a Turn 10 pick until the winners of the following contest are posted.
o This rule may change in the future, but for now, you may enter each week, even if you were a winner the previous week.

Weekly Prize
• This week’s prize is 100,000 credits.

Submission Deadline
o This thread will close on the morning of September 9th and judging will begin. No other entries will be taken after judging begins. If you do not put the proper description in game when you upload your photos, your photo will not be seen and therefore not be entered into the contest.

Submission Judging
o All submissions will be judged by members of Turn 10. Photos will be judged anonymously so that Turn 10 members do not know which photos belong to which players, making the judging as fair as possible.

o All winners (featured photos) will receive the prize of the week chosen by Turn 10.
o The winning photos will be featured as FM5 Turn 10 picks for a period of time. (Until the next contest winners are chosen and featured.)

This thread is provided so that entrants may share their photo entries with others here on the forums. However, to be entered into the contest, photos must be submitted in game using the directions listed under Submission Instructions (listed above).

Chasing Shadows: design RaceGameNut
Time to Play: design RaceGameNut
Trying to Beat the Rain: design RaceGameNut

Entry 1 - GT86 Action @ Prague

Entry 2 - Prague Scenery

Entry 3 - Mount Panorama Sing @ Mount Panorama

Entry 1 - White RS7

Entry 2 - some drifting^^

Entry 3 - Red Interceptor (my FM5-Baby ;D)

so far, good luck to all :wink:

Black and White on the menu:

Good luck all!


Xbox One Release in Europe and getting back in photography, here are my entries":

Aston Martin V12 Zagato (Hacket Red) (4) by cafcasian, on Flickr

Mad Mike Mx5 Red Bull (4) by cafcasian, on Flickr

GT MC GT3 2013 ST (7) by cafcasian, on Flickr

Im back in the Photo Game my friends :smiley:

File Name: CompAI


File Name: Race Day

Long Beach

File Name: Low Life

Low Truckin

(My Favorite Submissions thus far)

Good Luck to everyone. Stay Safe