FM5 on a controller

I haven’t purchased the game yet. Saving up cash for a new console.

I’ve a question for you controller users:

With previous Forzas, you have these hidden assists on a controller, in addition to speed sensitive steering, no matter what difficulty or controller settings you’ve chosen

Is this the same case with FM5? Or do you have more steering freedom this time on a controller?

Also, will using a wheel eliminate all those hidden assists as well as speed sensitive steering?


i dont think any controller will be assist-less. controllers have dead zones which must be compensated for. real cars have speed sensitive steering. just wait till you get to turn 1, you’ll be wishing it was more assisted. espically bathurst, it took hundreds of races before i seen a clean start. as for the wheel i dont know.

IMHO, controller = lame on Forza or any sim/sim based game. I think I’ve heard people say controller still has aids. I don’t know, I haven’t used a controller FM5.

Wheel is the way to go. Just set aside the extra cash for it. If you do decide on getting a wheel, make sure to set your accel, brake, & steering deadzones to 0-100. I have my vibration set to 75 & ffb set to 100. You do have 3 choices for a wheel. 2 by Thrustmaster. The TX $349 or 458 Spider $99. I absolutely recommend the TX. The other choice is the now available Mad Catz wheel which is $399 (haven’t seen a review yet for that yet).

If you have never raced with a wheel before, get ready to take some time to learn how to and adjust. Once you get it down pack, you will never want to play a sim/sim based game again with a controller.

You can get a great, stand from Wheel Stand Pro. V2 or V2 deluxe. The deluxe is for people that want to add the TP3A pedals or the up coming shifter to the Thrustmaster TX. I love my V2 & it doesn’t take a lot of space at all.

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I doubt if I’ll ever get a wheel, because at the end of the day, it’s still a game I’m playing, not a proper industry-grade simulator that’s designed to improve my skills as a pro driver.

I’d love to own one though I don’t have the time to spend THAT much time on a game. And second, it’s just too big an investment. I also don’t have enough space in my room, neither do I have the resources to reserve a separate room just to build a Forza rig.

Anyway, I have always kept my deads at 0 inside, 100 outside. I’m still on FM4 though, haven’t purchased an X1. I would love to see full control on the standard controller. Kind of irks me when you see the wheel turning in more as you slow down and downshift. And as you’re exiting the corner the driver automatically starts to compensate for you, as if to give you the signal that it’s time to straighten the wheels or get ready to countersteer.

I really would like to see an option where you can completely disable any and all assists on controller, including speed sensitive steering. Some games allow you to adjust SSS levels.

The standard controller isn’t exactly lame BTW. It just takes getting used to. And as long as you keep your inputs consistent (as opposed to flicking the stick or jamming the triggers) and make intricate corrections, the cars handle practically as good as they do IRL.


I love Forza and I’ve been dedicated since the first Forza on the original Xbox.

I have pondered buying a wheel at different times. (Thank goodness I didn’t buy a Fanatec in the past because they don’t work with the XB1.)

I just can’t justify dropping nearly 500 bucks for a steering wheel. I’d rather go out to eat with my lady five or six times.

Drive in the cockpit view with your controller and use a little imagination. It’s just as fun.

I’m sure I’ll wonder about wheels from time to time but I’m content with the controller. As far as specific assists, I don’t think it matters if you’re using a gamepad or a wheel, there is no in-game setting to differentiate between the two.

Doesn’t take much room. Especially with the Wheel Stand Pro V2. I don’t have a rig. Just my couch, stand with wheel & my home theater system. That’s my man cave.

Straightlaced, You not the only one with a lady. I’ve been married for 6 yrs. We usually go out on Saturday’s.

The controls feel better than fm4. Normal in FM5 feels like a much better sim steering than FM4. Sim steering in FM5 is random drift/tank slapping heaven.

FM5 is good with a controller. A wheel wont make you faster. Plus this is not a true sim title where a wheel is necessary.

In the end, don’t waste your money. Either wait for more racing games or wait for a price drop on the wheels.

FM5 is good with a controller. A wheel wont make you faster. Plus this is not a true sim title where a wheel is necessary.

In the end, don’t waste your money. Either wait for more racing games or wait for a price drop on the wheels.

  • This is one of the major reasons keeping me from buying a wheel; the price of a console for a gaming peripheral… I think not Sir!

The controls feel better than fm4. Normal in FM5 feels like a much better sim steering than FM4. Sim steering in FM5 is random drift/tank slapping heaven.

** I always thought SIM steering was especially designed for wheel users who are on 900 degs wheel rotation. On a controller, with SIM steering on, your driver just countersteers wildly… something that’s not really possible in real life. Anyway, that’s just my understanding and experience with it.

Drive in the cockpit view with your controller and use a little imagination. It’s just as fun.

I’m sure I’ll wonder about wheels from time to time but I’m content with the controller. As far as specific assists, I don’t think it matters if you’re using a gamepad or a wheel, there is no in-game setting to differentiate between the two.

*** I generally like the cockpit view; the sense of speed is good since you see the sides too and the cam sits at the correct height (unlike bumper cam). The movement and simulated inertia is pretty good too, I know and feel exactly what my car is doing or about to do. However, the wheel animation is wierd, it throws me off a lot, especially when counter steering. The gear shift animation needs work too, but all this is for a different thread.

As far as assists go, there hidden assists on the standard controller that cannot be turned off; there are no options for it. As far as I know, a wheel gives you full control with no involuntary driver inputs or assists (while keeping all assists off and difficulty on max). I’m not sure though, how speed sensitive steering gets affected when you use a wheel.