Community Run Contests for May:
Welcome to the Forza Motorsport 5 Community Run Contests Sponsorship signup thread!
Do you have a contest that you would like to hold and want some cool stuff to give away make it more exciting?
Do you not know how to go about setting up a contest?
This is the thread for you.
We recognize that some of the fun of the forums was being able to create your own community contests. We want you to be able to continue with this vital activity on the forums, so we are going to provide some help.
This Turn 10 sponsorship opportunity may be altered, ended or postponed for any reason at any time. Good behavior and fairness among all participants is expected.
Sign up Rules:
- Sign up with your Gamertag.
- Include a link to your contest thread.
- The contest must begin and end in the same calendar month as stated in the title of the contest thread. If it is a long contest, each segment must end within a calendar month. The 25th is the end of the month so we have time to close out the contest and begin again for the next month.
- Make a case for why your contest should be sponsored, in your post. We want a few lines about why your contest should be sponsored.
- It is your responsibility to get winners to us by the 25th of the current month, this is a strict end date, sponsorship is forfeited if winners are submitted beyond the 25th.
- You may have up to three winners listed for your contest. (The person hosting the contest can’t be one of the winners – you are already getting a prize for being a host.)
- Prizes will vary each month and will be chosen by the Turn 10 Community Team.
- Contest hosts will automatically receive the contest prize for their efforts in hosting a contest. You may have up to 3 hosts that receive prizes for hosting any one contest.
- If your contest does not follow these rules it will be disqualified.
- By signing up in this thread, you are not guaranteed to get your contest sponsored.
- We suggest that you do not say you are sponsored for prizes until you know you are sponsored.
- The Turn 10 community team will inform contest hosts of our sponsorship. All decisions of sponsorship are made by the Turn 10 community team.
- The Turn 10 Community team is offering prizes as sponsorship. The running of the contest is solely up to the host. (Turn 10 will not be responsible for anything beyond providing prizes to sponsored community contests. If a community contest is selected for sponsorship, running the contest, decisions about winners, submitting winners to the Turn 10 Community Team, and any other details associated with these community contests are the sole responsibility of the community hosts of the contest. These are contests put on by forum members and are the responsibility of said forum members.)
- You may only sign up to host one Turn 10 sponsored contest per month.
- To gift winners, hosts must submit the winning Gamertags (three maximum). For winners to be featured in game, the host must also submit the name of the file that won with a brief description whether it is a tune, a paint or a photo. (Featuring is not guaranteed, but the Community Team will try to feature some of the winners of community run contests.)
Prizes this month for your top three winners and the host(s) of the contest:
• Winners may get their item featured for a week as a Turn10 select item (if it is a tune or paint contest and is something that can be featured. Featuring is at the discretion of the Turn 10 Community Team and not guaranteed).
• 100,000 credits to each winner and each host(s) (and default prize if one of the other prizes is not specified)
OR, a Halo - Spartan Assault - Ford Mustang (black edition)
OR, a Zoo Tycoon - Ford Fiesta ST
• Your contest may also get a mention in a WIR news article.
Eligible Contest Types:
- Paint Contest – either Race Livery or Fantasy Livery
- Tuning Contests
- Photography Contests
- Layer Groups contest
- Race Contests
- Drift Contests
- Something else? Make your argument a good one, and maybe you will convince the Community Team to sponsor it.
Example Contest Submission Post:
Host GT: LV T10
Contest Reasoning: I want my contest to be considered because….
Contest Details: A paint contest with this theme
Contest Dates: (The contest must begin and end in the same calendar month as stated in the title of the contest thread, and before the 25th of the month.) i.e. April 4th to April 18th.
(Note: Monday, May 26th will be fine as the last date this month for getting your winners to us.)
List of community hosts that will have the stated prize provided for their Community Run Contest:
Prizes to be Provided for the Following Contests - For May
Host: Brokenvegetable
Comp: Photo - The Beast Within
Link: -
Host: LazarusJackson
Comp: TMOAP 2 - Round 4: Grand Prix of Background
Link: -
Host: Beetfarmer89
Contest: L2Fly in Forza 5!
Link: TBA