FM5 Community Run Contests - February - Free stuff for you and your winners!

Community Run Contests for February:

Welcome to the Forza Motorsport 5 Community Run Contests Sponsorship signup thread!

Do you have a contest that you would like to hold and want some cool stuff to give away make it more exciting?

Do you not know how to go about setting up a contest?

This is the thread for you.

We recognize that some of the fun of the forums was being able to create your own community contests. We want you to be able to continue with this vital activity on the forums, so we are going to provide some help.

This Turn 10 sponsorship opportunity may be altered, ended or postponed for any reason at any time. Good behavior and fairness among all participants is expected.

Sign up Rules:

  1. Sign up with your Gamertag.
  2. Include a link to your contest thread.
  3. The contest must begin and end in the same calendar month as stated in the title of the contest thread. If it is a long contest, each segment must end within a calendar month. The 25th is the end of the month so we have time to close out the contest and begin again for the next month.
  4. Make a case for why your contest should be sponsored, in your post. We want a few lines about why your contest should be sponsored.
  5. It is your responsibility to get winners to us by the 25th of the current month, this is a strict end date, sponsorship is forfeited if winners are submitted beyond the 25th.
  6. You may have up to three winners listed for your contest. (The person hosting the contest can’t be one of the winners – you are already getting a prize for being a host.)
  7. Prizes will vary each month and will be chosen by the Turn 10 Community Team.
  8. Contest hosts will automatically receive the contest prize for their efforts in hosting a contest. You may have up to 3 hosts that receive prizes for hosting any one contest.
  9. If your contest does not follow these rules it will be disqualified.
  10. By signing up in this thread, you are not guaranteed to get your contest sponsored.
  11. We suggest that you do not say you are sponsored for prizes until you know you are sponsored.
  12. The Turn 10 community team will inform contest hosts of our sponsorship. All decisions of sponsorship are made by the Turn 10 community team.
  13. The Turn 10 Community team is offering prizes as sponsorship. The running of the contest is solely up to the host. (Turn 10 will not be responsible for anything beyond providing prizes to sponsored community contests. If a community contest is selected for sponsorship, running the contest, decisions about winners, submitting winners to the Turn 10 Community Team, and any other details associated with these community contests are the sole responsibility of the community hosts of the contest. These are contests put on by forum members and are the responsibility of said forum members.)
  14. You may only sign up to host one Turn 10 sponsored contest per month.
  15. To gift winners, hosts must submit the winning Gamertags (three maximum). For winners to be featured in game, the host must also submit the name of the file that won with a brief description whether it is a tune, a paint or a photo. (Featuring is not guaranteed, but the Community Team will try to feature some of the winners of community run contests.)

Prizes this month for your top three winners and the host(s) of the contest:
• Winners may get their item featured for a week as a Turn10 select item (if it is a tune or paint contest and is something that can be featured. Featuring is at the discretion of the Turn 10 Community Team and not guaranteed).

• 100,000 credits to each winner and each host(s)

• Your contest may also get a mention in a WIR news article.

Eligible Contest Types:

  1. Paint Contest – either Race Livery or Fantasy Livery
  2. Tuning Contests
  3. Photography Contests
  4. Layer Groups contest
  5. Race Contests
  6. Drift Contests
  7. Something else? Make your argument a good one, and maybe you will convince the Community Team to sponsor it.

Example Contest Submission Post:
Host GT: LV T10
Contest Reasoning: I want my contest to be considered because….
Contest Details: A paint contest with this theme
Contest Dates: (The contest must begin and end in the same calendar month as stated in the title of the contest thread, and before the 25th of the month.) i.e. February 4th to February 18th.

*NOTE: We have condensed the rules so that they are easier to follow.

We are also allowing further signups for the month of February. As long as your contest begins and ends in February (ends before February 25th and you can get your winners to us by that time), you may still sign up for sponsorship.


List of community hosts that will have the stated prize provided for their Community Run Contest:

Sponsored Contests - For February

  1. Host GT: GSW KnuckleHead Link:

  2. Host: Brokenvegetable Link:

  3. Host: LazarusJackson Link:

For Hosts on the below Community Run Contest List - Please Remember:
If winners are not submitted to the community by the 25th of the month by the host of the Community Run Contest, as previously stated, you will forfeit the prizes for contest and winners.

If your Gamertag is on the below list as a host, hosts are required to provide in this thread - in one post with all information neatly together. Please make it as easy as possible to find your winners and award their prizes:

  1. A link to their community run contest on these forums.
  2. The gamer tag of the host or hosts
  3. When submitting winners for a community run contest we will need their gamer tag, the exact file name of their winning entry (if appropriate), the car that the item is on for paints and tunes, and a brief description of what the item is. (This information is required. We need to know what we are looking for if the winner is going to be featured).

The link for my contest is broken

Host GT: GSW KnuckleHead
Contest: This is the 3rd Tuning Challenge that I will have run to Keep the community active. It is a B Class, RWD, and Starting Price 50K or less.
Contest Details: GSW Budget Challenge
Contest Dates: Tune Shared by Feb. 3, 2014


Want to have a Dad Forza 5 Contest. No crashing into each other on purpose just good old fashion racing

Host: Brokenvegetable
Contest: I want my contest to be considered because I miss running contests and I really want to give back to a community that has made me feel at home for the past 6 years, I really miss being able to gift cars to people which I still do on FM4. I really enjoyed running Photo contests and giveaways and would LOVE to get back into it and this is the only way that FM5 will allow me to do so. So I am asking for your help to return the favor to a community I love. I would even give up my host cost to allow for a 4th place winner or an Honorable Mention or maybe even a Host’s Pick placing… I like that last idea the best … but that’s just me.

When: Feb 1st- 22nd

What: Photo Contest - Turn on the lights !!!, Your picture can be any car but you MUST be able to noticeably SEE the headlights or brake lights as being on



Qualifying contests for sponsorship have been added to the list. Thank you for your entries.

Hosts, please list your winners detail when your contest has concluded in this thread so that we can get their prizes gifted.

Thanks LV & T10.

I will update this thread after I have ran all the cars.

Brokenvegetable - your link should be working now.

apologies for not getting this in before 1/29, but i just spoke with john, so hopefully we’re fine.

this friday (2/7), i will be opening season 2 of The Mother of All Photocomps (TMOAP). over the course of TMOAP, 10 photo competitions will be held in the fm5 media center, with entries open to fm4, fm5, and horizon. each month, the subject matter or style will be different. points are awarded to the top 10 participants (as voted on by their fellow competitors), and these points are totaled over the course of the season. at the end of 10 competitions, overall winners are announced.

TMOAP2: 1 - The Grand Prix of ??? (sorry…don’t want to give people a head start) will be open for entries from friday, 2/7, through sunday, 2/16. voting will be open from monday, 2/17, through friday, 2/21, and winners will be announced on saturday, 2/22.

i will post a link to the competition thread once i have posted it on friday.

to see the aftermath of last year’s competition and to get a better idea of what’s in store, click here.

Will you open up a March thread or just change this one … and if we got sponsored for Feb can we ask to be sponsored for March

thanks for getting the link to work :slight_smile:

We have condensed the rules so that they are easier to follow.

We are also allowing further signups for the month of February. As long as your contest begins and ends in February (ends before February 25th and you can get your winners to us by that time), you may still sign up for sponsorship.

apologies for being a day late, but i’ve just posted the new TMOAP

link: TMOAP 2: 1 - Grand Prix of Macro

I’m not sure if I can still sign up for this but here is my submission:

Host GT: g33k hack3rs
Contest Reasoning: I want my contest to be considered because I’ve run weekly contests in FM4 where I was able to pay winners with cars and credits through gifts and the auction house. In FM5 we’re very restricted in providing prizes to the winners and as a result the interest from the community is lacking.
Contest Details: An online racing contest that is also in honor of the newly released Road America track.
Contest Dates: 2/25

Contest: Photo contest
Contest name: “Turn the lights on”
Host: Brokenvegetable

1st Place 100,000cr in Forza 5


2nd Place 100,000cr in Forza 5


3rd Place 100,000cr in Forza 5


Results for the Budget Challenge - Tuning Contest

Overall Winner:
GT: Mr. Fade
Car: 2013 Mazda MX-5
Tune Filename: Budget Comp GSW

KH Favorite (most smiles for the miles):
GT: V12 TN Eagle
Car: 1990 Chevolet Camaro IROC-Z
Tune Filename: kh budget

Best Bang for the BUCK - (Overall standing + Car Value (cost + parts)):
GT: Rosny
Car: 1993 Nissan 240SX SE
Tune Filename: rosny240sx

Results Page

This is a friendly reminder for those of you who had contests sponsored this month, to please post your winners for us so we can get their prizes out to them.

I see some of you have already done this. Good job!

For the hosts who have not done so yet, please remember to do so.


TMOAP 2 - 1: Grand Prix of Macro Results:

1st Place: V8 Gorilla - 10 votes

2nd Place: Turkeyboy696X - 9 votes

3rd Place: Photo Stig - 8 votes

Hosts, thank you for getting those winners for us. We will get the prizes out to them soon. I am closing this thread for the month of February.


Hosts, the credit prize has been gifted to you and your winners.

GSW KnuckleHead - Your winners have had their tunes featured for a week.

Brokenvegetable - The first place winner of your photo contest has been featured for a week.

LazarusJackson - The first place winner of your photo contest has also been featured for a week.

Thank you for participating and getting your winner’s details to us in time.

Feel free to sign up again if you have another contest next month. We hope you had fun!