FM Connection issue reports after July 2024 update (servers etc)

Connection issue reports after July 2024 update

This topic is being opened to monitor for any common causes related to connection and server issues. New individual topics will be merged here; if we find a common cause we may move the related topics into a separate topic for tracking purposes.

Note: While this topic helps provide visibility on emerging issues and common causes, if you experience a connection issue you should report it directly to Forza Support via ticket for investigation.


  • As with any bug, the first troubleshooting step is to quit your game and restart your device to see if the issue clears.
  • If the issue persists after a restart, read the “Multiplayer, Online, and Network Connection Troubleshooting” article at Forza Support. This article provides steps to troubleshoot various types of connection issues on both PC and console.
  • If the article does not help resolve your connection issue, we’re asking players to report their issue details in this topic and upvote it to help alert the team to emerging issues that are preventing players from getting into the game and features.


Include the following details when posting here:

  • The date and time when you first experienced the issue. You can use the Insert Date/Time feature in the top edit bar of your reply, or provide a relative time (‘an hour after the Autumn season changed’)
  • Your game version (which should be *.649.948.0 after the June 18 update)
  • Your game edition and device (such as Premium or Cloud, Windows/Steam/console (and which console)
  • Account permissions and sharing
  • Your region and language setting
  • Whether you are using a VPN to connect
  • Whether the connection issue is specific to multiplayer, certain features, or the entire game
  • Screenshots and/or Video of error messages if you can provide them
  • Confirm that you have attempted to quit/restart your game and whether that cleared the issue.
  • Whether this is consistent in the same circumstances or apparently random
  • Note if you have submitted a related ticket at Forza Support.

Remember to upvote this topic if you are experiencing an issue, whether you provide details or not.

New topics about connections issues will be merged here, which means your subject line will not transfer, so be sure to include your details in the body of your post which you can edit after the post has been merged. If you are experiencing the same issue as a previous post, feel free to Quote it.

This topic is only for connection issues that occur after the most recent content update; all other issues should be reported in separate topics.