Flaming Pandas of Doom [FPD] Open and growing. (XBOX ONE)

Hey everyone, my club FPD is looking for more members to help us climb the leaderboards. So far we have 160+ members and more are joining by the minute. Currently we have a few basic Decals for our members to use to represent FPD. We have a guarenteed weekly road trip on Fridays around 8pm EST, With more scattered road trips for our members in other time zones. If you do decide to join us, bring your friends! We will stay as an open club so no one is left out. We’ll see you on the horizon! :slight_smile:

For more details message Me : The Meta Wolf or Our fearless flaming panda leader Mark : xXxKingSynxXx on Xbox live. We will be glad to answer any questions you have.

Thanks again,
