Hey fellow racers. I’ve been playing Forza since 2 and racing sims with a wheel for 10+ years now. I was curious if anyone could explain why I am consistently faster in the super high performance cars as opposed to the slower B or C class cars on the leaderboard?
In less than 10 laps in the F1 I can usually get into the top 200 times, but in any of the other classes I spend considerable amount of time more hot lapping for a quick time and usually can only get in the top 1k if I’m lucky.
I always found it strange that I feel I perform far better in the fastest cars in the game rather than slower and lately it’s perplexed me as to why this is.
I have the same issue. S and R class i am at least near the front of the pack and can get top 100 on any track. When I play C or B I am just another car on the track. Not nearly as competitive. Honestly I think they are harder to drive because you really have to be perfectly smooth.
I wouldn’t say it’s easier but there is a little room for for error if you over do it. It helps that the cars handle better (usually) and are a bit more responsive to inputs and the power allows you to make a comeback if your line was off.
In lower classes you’re spot on. Get on the brakes too much in a little mini and there is nothing in the motor to help you negate the mistake. Get on the power too soon or take too sharp turns with acceleration tunes and you’ll be drifting.
In A and S class its a happy mix of the extremes.
You pretty much need to have multiple skill sets to do well in all classes in order to recognize the problem and adjust.
I don’t use any assists in the slower cars. I’ve always used the braking line to know my braking points and have never used the clutch, but the more research I do, the more I see I should change that up some. I mostly use open source tunes that I can tweak to my liking when I see a difference in tuners and my driving style.
It has to do with none of the above. Look at the amount of people who have run each respective class. in X and P class you are probably looking at less than 50k people, in the lower classes some tracks may have nearly 1 million people because a lot of people refuse to run the higher classes as they think they are too hard.
upper class car tend to be more expensive, not as many people have them. everyone has the beginner cars. some people moved on to other games before they got up to the upper classes. forza starts you in the lower classes so when people start hotlapping they generally start with the lowest class 1st and work their way up. check how many people have a clean time on the leaderboards. dirty laps are probably racing not hotlapping. you are going to see alot more clean laps in the lower classes. the reason the lower classes are harder is because you are competing against alot more people. being in the top 200 may be in the top 10% in some events while in others you have to be in the top 0.1%. there is a huge difference between 10% and 0.1%. and in the upper classes shifting becomes less relivant. in x class you can be as quick on some tracks with auto trans as manual with clutch. less inputs required = less chance to make lap killing mistake.
I too am this way. I think it’s for a couple reasons. R is easier to drive at the limit as they have more grip. It’s also easier to make up for small mistakes as they accelerate quicker. I think it has something to do with tunes and builds as well. There’s a lot more ways to build an D, C, B, or even A class car. S, R, and P tend to be closer to maxed out with less possible combinations so everyone is running about the same thing. I’ve found that a lot of the lower class cars get creative with engine swaps etc. and end up with a sort of whole is greater than the sum of their parts deal. They’ve more effectively maximized what’s important for racing within the bounds of that particular performance index.
This reminds me of the question about why some lobbies boycott or crash the cars rated with excellent handling when those cars appear in their races. There are tradeoffs between speed and handling, and if all you want to do is go fast, the cars with excellent handling will likely beat even the fastest cars on tracks that require a lot of turns and finesse. If a track has lots of long straightaways the speed cars will beat the high-handlers every time. A “good” track will have good balance between straights and turns so that speed and handling tend to balance each other out. And to favor one over the other is silly. Pick your car, pick your track. Or just race and have fun.
I think the truth lies in the skill set of other drivers. Just about everyone can get a drivers license and dive a normal street car without and issue even on a track. However throw them into a supercar or a racing car and you’ll begin sorting out the true drivers. Lower classes always have more drivers posting times in them because cars are easier to drive and everything happens much slower. You don’t need Jedi like reflexes in order too post quick lap times, just being smooth and steady can see excellent lap times. Racing cars are a blast to drive but in order to achieve the lap times towards the top you must be able too cope with the sheer speed at witch information is delivered. This aspect alone may discourage people from driving them all together, let alone being able to post quick laps. Yes upper classes are more expensive and may contribute to the higher rankings on the leaderboard. If you go back and look at FM4 the leaderboards are packed in F-S classes but R-X the numbers drop significantly. I know more than a few people who would have rather driven F-A cars in FM4 instead of racecars.