Explanation Please

So i was in a race coming to final turns of SPA chicane, when my screen go’s black for a few seconds.
Only to finaly kick me out of the game back to XBOX One dash board, forcing me to restart Forza 5 (WTH was that) ?

New feature of the xbox one. Forced random breaks. :wink:


Happens in other games too, so it is likely a console issue. I don’t mean your console alone has an issue. Probably everyone’s console has this issue. Seems to happen to me most often when I’m also experiencing a bit of network lag. I usually do a full shutdown/reboot and after it will be fine for a good while.

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From what I hear it’s an issue with the “instant on” feature, where it doesn’t fully shut the console off. Last I knew, it was still in beta. You can turn it off in the console’s settings.