Experienced drifter needs help!


So yesterday I bought xbox one and forza 5. And to be honest, ive been a lil sceptical the whole time and is not 100% satisfied with neither the game or the console itself. But whatever :stuck_out_tongue:
Im trying to learn to drift, but I cant find a way to fix my issues. My main problem is spinning ( can there be any other problems drifting? duh :P), especially when using e-brake, which is my preferred drifting method. Suddenly the car just spins around, its really annyoing… Can anyone bother to help me?

Thank you!

Btw, do people still adjust the steering axis deadzones like in FM4? 0 Inside and 100 outside?

Your thread name sounds like a contradiction but has anyone attempted to help you out yet.


No unfortunaly…

If your on right now send me a party invite GT: DRxSickness

I’m going to werk in 30-45 mins, so I would have to take its some other time! But thank you for wanting to help!

You should try join in on PTG Drift Mondays: