k guys 6 days ago I bought storm island well didn’t show up in menue or no car meets its like I never bought it and that brings me 2 today and udate wow finaily… not still no car meets and still no storm island it won’t let me highlight it how in the world can u get to the invisible island turn 10 can u help or anyone for that matter
Download again and see if that works.
How far into single player are you?
Yeah, would be interesting to know how far into the game you are?
Also, can we get your permission to take a look at your save game.
after I got nice the city of nice I started playing online and yes check at look at my save my gamertag is robertlee23 storm island just don’t up how far do I need to go in single player
I think you need to complete a championship at Nice and then you will be asked to go to Storm Island.
u r right win champ in nice go to car meet and wala u got storm island