Hi guys n girls,
I went online for the first time last night and joined various drift lobbies. I’m still rubbish at drifting getting the least points of everyone, but hey I’m not to bothered as the games I joined were a real laugh, and the cars were epic. My question tho, is as I don’t want to ruin others scores by getting in the way, is there some unwritten rules to say, go at the front, or stay at the back etc, as don’t want to rattle anyone’s cage while learning and having fun!?
Also if anybody has a club for noobs that would be appreciated too!!
Join User created rooms me and my club are more then welcome to help you learn or give you tips/setups Ill be on late tonight add me if you want gt-Fliptrick89
Thanks buddy, will add you later!
You will normally see the top scorers either leading the pack or falling behind to ensure no one will hit them. Those who tandem are doing it for fun, so while they’re going for points, a loss of points won’t affect them so much.
My club is open to anyone, many cars including unicorns are available through the club garage. I also have many tune set ups on my storefront.
also, dont finish til everyone has come to the finish line. those who wait behind to avoid the traffic jams are usually screwed over in public lobbies by people who insist on either racing through the entire track often not scoring a single point, or just someone not paying attention to what lap theyre on and just pass the finish while others may be nearly a lap behind in some cases. aside from that just have fun!
side note, i always hate “that guy” in the public lobby that after everyone has finished, he uses the 30 seconds at the end to do a non-stop burnout right at the finish line and doesnt cross until there is 1 second left. so on top of having loads of fun drifting, dont be “that guy” lol.
Thanks guys! Will take all that on board! Had some more practice last couple of nights, must say, the guys I’ve been drifting with so far seem to be real helpful and not too harsh! Hate playing online and everyone expects you to perfect every bend every race, drop one wheel and your kicked!
I got the waiting thing, mainly as it’s me who’s last in a car that loosely resembles the one I started in, just looking a bit second hand! Lol
Someone kindly gifted me a Silvia last night to try so will have a stab at that.
Thanks again for the replies,
See you on the black top