Dyno Graph in Gear Tune Screen

Its slightly painful having to pull up telemetry while driving to guage optimal gearing. Wouldn’t having a Dyno Graph of HP/Torque make gear tuning more simple and aproachable to new/casual players? Its something I noticed was missing in all previous iterations, but at least they had a dyno graph while upgrading power related parts. Anyone disagree?

Don’t think anyone would disagree. The gear/rpm chart is terrible. Lines don’t seem accurate vs rpms . Wish we had something easier to see and read also showing lines at max torque and hp. :pray:

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I’d say the chart we have now is sub-ok at best, definitely not user friendly, but you’re right, the red line at the top of the chart is slightly inaccurate I find. Must be a nightmare for someone new to the game to try and figure out.

There shold be an RPM/torque graph, and then two lines representing where the gears would individually land when shifted at redline.

But that’s just my opinion. :person_shrugging:

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Even trying to count the lines to guess the rpm seems impossible. Need a fresh look/ function

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Absolutely agree.

A dyno graph would also be useful when modifying engine parts too. I’d like to see what displacement does to the torque curve vs valves, or anything else… camshaft.

Unless they just do some basic +20hp across the entire powerband then I guess it doesn’t matter. But for the transmission, yes 100%.

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