So i’m nit sure how to really say this but here I go…
When I first got Forza 5 I had not played a racing game in ages (none of them really caught my eye) so I was a very poor driver at first. I know that your drivatar will to some extent drive like you as it learns but what if you had bad habits when you started? Will your drivatar eventually stop doing those things or is there a better way to get your dirvatar to improve?
I know what you mean. I’m still looking for that “Erase Drivatar” button. And, for all of you who have been unlucky enough to encounter my Drivatar, I apologize in advance.
Seriously, though, I think a lot of the lousy Drivatar behavior stems from the fact that most people (not all, but most) will start in career mode. And, in career mode, you often have only 2 laps to pass 11 cars for gold. Can this be done totally clean? Maybe by some of the top guys and for lesser guys, I can see it on certain tracks (Prague, Alps). And, even if you don’t want to hit anybody, they are most assuredly going to hit you. The nature of career mode often causes folks to develop bad behavior. It’s a vicious cycle that feeds on itself.
The elite guys are elite because they are really, really good at this. The rest of us are not. As much as I spew venom when a Drivatar wrecks me, I know deep down that mine is probably doing it to somebody else. I’m trying to get better but I have a long, sordid history behind me. I’m Jean Valjean with a Mercury Eliminator.
The drivatar system is worthless… its a constant demolition derby.
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+1 for the totally unexpected Les Mis reference. I lol’d
You know I’m really not seeing the same issue with the drivatars that you seem to be mentioning. Can I just ask what difficulty level you have them on? Most of my races are always clean (not clean as a clean lap because thats impossible in career) and if when a drivatar hits me from behind I know why because I most likely braked far too early or made some other form of human error. They’re not fool proof I’ll give you that but for most metal crashing that I experience it has some degree of fault with me the human player too. I’d say of 10 races, perhaps 5 can go awry but I’m most probably liable for the 3 of the 5 leaving 2/10 races for drivatar faults. Then again that’s no surprise because they’re supposed to replicate the sort of driving we do otherwise they’d just simply be no different from normal AI.
I have the drivatars set to just under pro (highly skilled i think) and they drive more aggressive and I’m fine with that but they seem to force you off the track and I see many of them get into collisions on a regular basis. maybe I should just bump them up to pro.
i drive in pro and yes, its challenging. But it does not stop the other drivers bashing into each other, bashing into you, running off track then immediately going back onto racing line aiming for another car. I try my damn hardest to be a clean driver. But its near impossible when there is only 2 laps to pass x amount of cars. If you try to hold back first few corners to avoid the bashing and banging you’re not going to get gold. If you go full throttle for gold. You’re going to bash and ruin you’re drivatar. I guess its a loss loss. In my opinion.
I wonder the same thing,when I first started playing F5 I was bashing my way around the tracks and giving the bird to cars as I bumped them off towards the grass(single player mode)having a great time and laughing with my mates,it’s only recently that I’ve been driving proper and putting down clean laps.
So I apoligize if anyone out there has cursed my drivatar for being a jerk,but I’m training him up now and hope he improves as I am starting to.