The cars start almost bumper to bumper (one in front of the other). The lead car wins if the space between the cars increases considerably, while the following car wins if it decreases the gap between the lead car. If any car spins out or crashes, the other car wins the race. In the event of the following car keeping pace, the race is usually rerun with the positions swapped.
~ A rolling start in line nose to tail with run starting after lead car enters the first corner then Full-throttle.
~ Best out of 3 format, lead car changes after each run and after the run both racers go back to starting location
~ Minor contact is not an issue, if the spectating judge feels contact was an issue tho the round will be restarted, if it happens again round goes to the other driver.
~ At least 2 Judges needed (1 at the end of the course that watches distance and marks the end of course, and 1 judge in spectator to announce battle start, watch for illegal contact, and passes) following closing behind. Judges announces at pre-determind location allowing racers to go full-throttle
• If the leader crosses the end of course with 2 car length or MORE between each other round goes to leader
• If the following car bumps/crash causing spin out into the leader twice in 2 runs round goes to leader
• If the leader crosses the finish line with 1 car length or less between each other round goes to following car
• If the following car passes the leader & leader cannot regain position round goes to following car (contact rules apply to lead car is he gets passed if round restart is needed due to lead car making contact he will follow on restart)
650hp limit or less (your tune must be proven so it has to go up on marketplace or pic is required of your ride, pi, and car info)
No sport or race tires.
1st: $20 XBOX GIFT CARD!
2nd: $10 XBOX GIFT CARD!
MUST REGISTER TO PARTICIPATE, EITHER PM ME ON HERE , MESSAGE BELOW AND HOPE I SEE IT , OR XBOX LIVE @GT T0pend. Registration closes at 11PM Est Tuesday Feb. 4th. Since it’s the 1st one being held going to put it at 30 SLOT LIMIT
TOURNAMENT DATE IS FEB 5th start time is at 8 PM est.
So sign up and Spread the word , only 30 slot available!!