Drift Comp is a friendly and laid back drift team open to people of all skill levels. We love to have fun, but we also love some competition
We love drifter variety. Drive whatever you want. We mainly focus on RWD though. Wether your style is tandems or points all are accepted.
Please do not ask for promotions, you will be promoted if I feel you are capable of the position.
The team members all have certain responsibilities. Each member have certain roles.
Leader - Manager of entire operation
Co-Leader - Assists with the leader and in charge when Leader is away
Secretary - Sets up battles with other teams and enters us into competitions
Manager - Helps with recruitment by testing recruits and help with events
Painter - Creates team paint jobs and vinullnyls
Member - Drifts with us and competes in competitions
Tuner - In charge of tuning and can do personal requests for members
To join post your GT/timezone/skill/and why you want to be on the team
All skills accepted
This section will include drift meets tandems etc
- Respect others
- No sore losers
- Don’t be to cocky (no such thing as a sure win)
- Have fun
The Smiler 579