Dreadwalker73's Men Of Marvel Series #8

I’m pleased to bring you the latest series from the paint booth of Dreadwalker73. Dread has entitled this The Men Of Marvel series. The C425 tune is from Dread. These will be made available for a nominal fee in the Auction House by me.



#1 - 2001 Acura Integra Type-R

#2 - 2001 Acura Integra Type-R

#3 - 2001 Acura Integra Type-R

#4 - 2001 Acura Integra Type-R

#5 - 2001 Acura Integra Type-R

#6- 2001 Acura Integra Type-R

#7- 2001 Acura Integra Type-R

#8- 2001 Acura Integra Type-R

#1 is available in the Auction House now @ 24 hours

Got one ! Thanks Gears and Dread, needed another collection to start now that Maxim is almost complete : )

#2 Up now @ 24 hours


Got #2 as well, thank you ! Nice paints and I always liked the Integra : )

#3 Up now @ 24 hrs

@gdub - If you like Integras, you are going to love this series. :smiley:


These are all fantastic, cant wait to see whats next.
I will need a bigger garage soon!!!

#4 Up now @24 hours

#5 Up now @ 24 hours

Grabbed the #4 Hulk yesterday and it looks great ! Likin’ #5 too : ) Thanks for putting these up, I hope lots of people are finding these in the AH.

#6 Up now @ 24 hours

#7 Up now @ 24 hours

Thanks Gears ! Managed to grab #7. Unfortunately, missed #6 over the weekend. If you get the chance to put up a couple more… : )

These look fantastic Dread, great work.

#8 Up now @ 24 hours

@ gdub- I threw a bunch of #6’s up too. Hope there is still one or two left when you see this. :slight_smile:

Went from working 10 hours a day, 6 days a week to 12 hours a day, 7 days a week. So, I may not be putting many, if any, more cars up this week. They are likely going to take me out on a stretcher or a body bag soon. LOL


Got 'em both : ) Thanks Gears. Better take it easy on the work schedule though. Now that we’re in our 30’s (or so) we can’t work those kinda hours anymore ! Unless you’re a beta tester for T10, in which case, give me a call, I’ll slip over the bridge and give you a hand.

I can barely remember my 30’s. :-o


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Gears, is there any chance these might be put up again? I started a 2nd profile and would love to have these on that one as well. Don’t mean to sound greedy :stuck_out_tongue: