"Dragged" FM5 Challenge

So I just want to make sure I’m not missing something here.

The "Dragged’ FM5 Challenge states you have to “earn a medal in 50 Multiplayer Hopper Drag Events”, but the achievement badge has a 100 on it. Does the 100 have any significance, or is it just an oversight?

I think I have won 1000+ drag matches and got the achievement like 2 days ago but it was not this picture. It was a car staging.

I haven’t gotten it yet, but the image I posted is the one that shows on the FM5 Achievement screen before it is earned.

I look forward to getting it. Thanks for replying!

That is the Civic 100 mile challenge.


Yeah my badge is a muscle car with a deployed parachute. I got it for 50 medals in drag hoppers

My phone was dead last night, so I couldn’t snag a photo. Here is what I see on my achievements screen on the XB1.