I’ve never tried it. One time my son went into the pits on accident, but I don’t think anything was wrong with his car. I went into it the other night doing some hot laps, just to see what happens. So, obviously it makes you automatically go at a certain speed and drives itself. So during a race, will it fix your car while your in there?
Pitting will change tires, top off fuel, and repair mechanical damage. It just won’t repair physical or aero damage.
Cool!, thank you. Actually, I didn’t even know about the gas. Where does it show the gas gauge? Is there a place other than the car?
Also, I was watching someone who posted their race on youtube once and I saw him toggle through all the info/telemetry while he was driving. How do you do that? Same way you do when watching a replay? Seems like it’d be hard to do. LOL.
The gas gauge is on the right side of your tachometer. It’s a skinny, bluish-white bar that depletes very slowly. When it depletes to a certain level, you will also get an amberish colored “low fuel light” that will light up at the bottom of the gas gauge.
This may be different depending on your controller setup. On my controller setup, I press up on the D-pad to bring up the telemetry. Then right on the D-pad to change between the telemetry screens, I think, I can’t remember as I rarely bring it up.
Hope this helps.
You can toggle telemetry by pressing up on the D-pad. Wasn’t aware that you could run out of gas.
Up on the pad, then I think the bumpers or left and right on the pad to move across the screens. I’m not really sure since I use a wheel. You can run out of gas, but it’s difficult on FM4. You have to run a really long race. The fuel gauge is on the speedo. It’s one of the bars on the lower portion.
Geeez, I thought I tried that today during a race and it didn’t work. Maybe I didn’t hit hard enough. What’s funny though is I was doing a race in career mode at Nurburgring Gran Prix and got all banged up and used the pits. IT WORKED I only got second place though because it was on the 4th lap and I didn’t have enough time to catch back up to 1st. LOL.