Does anyone know what forza is coming out in 2014?
There are a few very (very) vague clues of a possible Horizon 2, but that’s about it. There’s not really anything to grantee a 2014 release, even if those clues pan out on Horizon 2. Best bet currently is to see if anything comes up at E3.
Well on Playground Games twiiter page it says “We made Forza Horizon. Currently working on top secret stuff.” So there obviously working on something and I’m gonna assume it’s coming out this year. and it will be revealed at E3
I expect a full reveal of Horizon 2 at E3 and the game will more then likely come out towards the end of this year. Anyway there are tons of rumors about this happening.
There was a chap who leaked a lot of information about the two big consoles, and his predictions seemed quite conservative and have proven very accurate.
He said there would be a Kinect-less One for $399.
He also said there would be a Horizon 2 this fall.
Considering all of the hints we’ve had concerning it, I have no doubt that is what we will see at E3.