Seriously, I think I’ve turned into a Forzaholic.
Hello everyone, my name is Lou and I’m an addict… I just can’t walk past the darn game without running a few laps. Approaching driver level 700 and I’ve only had the game for a month
Seriously, I think I’ve turned into a Forzaholic.
Hello everyone, my name is Lou and I’m an addict… I just can’t walk past the darn game without running a few laps. Approaching driver level 700 and I’ve only had the game for a month
welcome to the club lol, but I guess you wont get any help fighting your addiction over here
But at least you have reached AAs first step:
admitting that one cannot control one’s addiction or compulsion
Hello Lou, and yes you’re at the equilavent. Welcome!
It is addictive, i find myself on it every day
Hi Lou, I’m Scott and i am also a forzaholic.
I turn it on to check my credits and end up painting this tuning that, a few hours online. and before i know it its 1 am
Forget it,there is no known cure!
My wife would have enrolled me after having it 1 week! Now I’ve discovered tuning and it’s a lost cause. Hours disappear…
Welcome Lou, biscuits and coffee are at the back of the room, toilets are down the hall.
Now you have admitted your addiction we can begin to tackle it. There are two cures:
1 - The “Infant Cure”. This involves having a child. It can take some time, up to 9 months in most cases for the cure to take full effect. It is also quite easy to relapse after a few months on the straight and narrow.
2 - Cold Turkey - This educational video will explain how to ensure you don’t fall off the wagon using the cold turkey method. Dropping a Brand New Xbox One Into Resort Spa - YouTube
I too am a Forzaholic, my last three game purchases were FM4, Horizon, FM5. I have to run laps everyday to stay straight!
Welcome Lou! You are in good company, although I am not sure we can help you as we suffer as well. We will however support your habit :).
I admitted my addiction a long time ago. Thankfully, I no longer have a wife to complain about me feening for "just a few more laps. My kids are grown too, so I’m not getting my fix in front of them or neglecting their needs to buy DLC. I have resigned myself to this addiction, embraced it and have no plans for rehab.
Note: for the guy who is destroying Xbox Ones - why? When there are plenty of people who would be glad to take them off your hands, why destroy them? Do you burn 100 dollar bills to keep warm? Wipe with 50 dollar bills? Just seems a bit infantile to me.
Seconded words can’t explain how stupid that is. I mean if you don’t like the console wouldn’t the smart thing to do would be to return it or sell it off to someone that wants it? I hate seeing videos like this of people doing stupid things which is worse that he was all paranoid after he did it which I guess explains quite a bit. Even still quite a silly thing to do.
Hi I’m Kav and I’m a Forzaholic. I first used the Monday after the X1 launch. Within a week I fed my addiction by purchasing FM3, FM4, and Horizon. I went from Tier 1 to Tier 6 in a short three weeks. I spend most of my day races on the X1, and when it is time for bed, as soon as my wife is asleep, I use one of the 360 Forzas. It has been 5 mins since I last used.
Hi I’m Kav and I’m a Forzaholic. I first used the Monday after the X1 launch. Within a week I fed my addiction by purchasing FM3, FM4, and Horizon. I went from Tier 1 to Tier 6 in a short three weeks. I spend most of my day races on the X1, and when it is time for bed, as soon as my wife is asleep, I use one of the 360 Forzas. It has been 5 mins since I last used.
Hi …
My name is DURAND an im a forzaholic, i cant stop myself from racing, its enough to make you vomit, im so addicted, that every time i walk by, i just got to get upon it, i might drift do the campaign, or maybe be the MVP of MP, you know me at 32 comin on 33, im still rockin this joint as an OAP…
LOL hope you enjoyed the bars just some randomness from a forzaholic addictionist.
Been an addict for over 7 years although i nearly managed to kick the habit this year as it i wasn’t getting the same buzz from the new watered down product, although a little twist of multiplayer replays with a dash of missing features returning has got me twitching again. Few more additions to the old brew & i might be a full time junkie once more.