This month, I will be hosting the Photocomp. I won’t pretend that I could hold a candle to Dood in this department. But, the Deadlights crew are all keenly aware that Steve would want us to go on in the proud tradition of the club he so genuinely loved.
There are a lot of details to work out. But, this month will be dedicated to the memory of Steven Anthony Brieno. AKA Doodley Squat. The boys are planning on coming up with some prize designs I know you will all cherish. The big change this month will be that only Dood’s work will be accepted. We will try to see that everyone has a chance get their hands on some of Dood’s work. There are 14 designs in Dood’s storefront
There is consideration being given to the use of one of the many tribute paints which are becoming available. EDIT: Tribute paints won’t be used in the Main Comp
This is all quite sudden. So, we do appreciate your patience while we work out the kinks.
Skyrim mini-comp info[/b] is here PRIZES Once again We are now giving away 3 prize cars to 1st & 2nd place, 2 prize cars to 3rd & 4th place, 2 cars for Most Creative and 1 car for Honorable Mention. 1st Place - 3 cars & 250 million credits 2nd Place - 3 cars & 200 million credits 3rd Place - 2 cars & 150 million credits 4th Place - 2 cars & 100 million credits Most Creative - 2 cars & 50 million credits Hon. Mention - 1 car & 50 million credits As always we are holding this months comp in both the Media Forum and the Fantasy Forum. So, whether you post here or in the Media section all entries will be posted in each thread. For example, if you post your pics in the Fantasy section they will be listed here as well as there and visa-versa…so basically we are going to combine the two threads into one comp. 1) 2 photo entries only, each from Doodley Squat. Collabs are also allowed 2) Entries must be of a Doodley Squat or colab paint* 3) Final submissions will be accepted until 11:59pm (EST) the last day of the month. 4) If a set of photos did not win in a previous contest they can be used again. 5.) Horizon photos are ok but all prizes and credits will be done in Forza 4. 6.) No outside editing except for rotation. Preferred method of posting is by Flickr but any host site will do and Big Shots are allowed. Note – Please use your own pictures, use of someone else’s pics are a no no! Note - Winners will be announced by the 1st Sunday of each month. Official Dead Lights artist this month is limited to Doodley Squat and any colabs he may have done Prize Cars SF Giants Shelby GT500 '10 By Hotlap A600 Tune By onelapmagic
First 2 prize cars added to OP. Pictures don’t do these paints from Hotlap justice. As a special treat, Hotlap has offered to give a copy of the 49ERS’s Shelby to all who participate in this month’s comp. Sweet.
If I may, I suggest that the DL K members be allowed to submit entries as well? Up to you on those entries being eligible for prizes. I would love to see what you guys come up with, especially the forzatographers.
Interesting you would bring that up Lou. Dood was spit balling the idea of having some (we needed a reserve to vote) of the crew enter the May contest. Mostly as an excuse to get a certain paint into their hands I think. Devious plan, Dood. Well OK, I endorsed it so I could get it too. Devious plan, Gears. LOL
Well in that case, spot me up. I’d be honored to shoot for Dood. I’ll make a deal with you all though: I won’t vote for myself if I can keep my vote too. And I’ll give up my participant prize to a community member. I feel like I’m on Pawn Stars here. Lemme play! Lemme play! I’ll pay whatever!
And why I really stopped by: Thanks Gears for picking up the monthlies. I know you will do a spectacular job and Steve would be honored to have you follow in his footsteps.