DLK EV1Ls Design Studio

Ok this will be for designs coming up on Horizon 2, I will post WIPs and finished designs in the OP as the progress and finish.

Hope you get together with you guys at some car meets and cause havoc on the streets soon

Cant wait bud

Hope to see u on soon.

I’ll grab some popcorn. Can’t wait to see what’s up.

Big Fan Evil, you know I will pop in here from time to time heck who am I kidding All the time…!!.. I CANT WAIT :slight_smile: …!!!

Loving the response guys, got some ideas bouncing round my head so watch this space

Yes, Bring it…We need some EV1L.

Can’t wait to see what you come up with mate

Good to see you around again bud

Quick update - Paints in production are, Skulls and roses remake (get me started) then ‘Sons of Anarchy’

Any news on your paints mate !