I have been trying to play the Lamborghini Super Trofeo Series League races for a quite a while today. First, I kept getting disconnected when trying to join a server. Then after that issue was resolved, I managed only 2 races where I was able to complete the race (dnfs in both because of wreckers). But in the last race I was in, I was in 2nd place in the last corner of the last lap, and BAM! Disconnected from the damn server. FIX YOUR SERVERS TURN 10!!! I am getting tired of getting disconnected. I can do any other leagues and not have a problem. This is really irritating.
Edit/ Additional Info: I have checked multiplayer connection in network settings, NAT Type is open. All services available. Good ping for my internet, decent Upload and Download speeds for my service. Even restarted my modem and Xbox One for good measure, nothing is working for more than maybe 1-2 races.
oh… did it work for you guys later on? i thought it was me that were the problem. i got disconected in the last lap. got kicked out, and then couldnt get back in. i then took a hard reset of my console and started forza back on. i then manged to drive 2-3 races before i had to repeat it all over again to the point where i got mad and turned the box completely off and watched Vikings instead… lol…
Same here. Getting “failed to find game session” message again since start of lambo league. Need to get points and now this. Guess it’s rivals for me till this gets resolved.
No problems yesterday or early today, but got disconnected from 4 sessions in a row this afternoon, once within seconds of the race finish. I also noticed that notices were popping up for other racers being disconnected from the session as well. These were all large (18+ racers) sessions. This is frustrating not only being disconnected from an existing race, but also how long it takes to get into another race, since in most cases existing races are already in progress so you have to wait for that race to finish.
I am hoping things are better for this evening’s sessions.
EDIT: And they were better this evening. No disconnects in over 2 hours.
Add me to the list of people who can’t get in. All day yesterday I couldn’t get any connection to Forza servers, no leaderboards or multiplayer. When I finally got connection I tried dozens of times to connect to leagues so I could have a fair chance at earning a bonus car as part of this event, no luck with this. Now I have tried again this morning and the same thing is happening!!
I can play any other game in multiplayer and have done plenty of Forza stuff in the past… If you gonna offer us bonus cars, please get your servers in order guys!!