I’m trying to get the time limited Challenge for completing 10 with friends.
I’m joining a random game and befriending some randoms (temporarily) as my buddies aren’t online at the same time or they’re too busy playing something else.
I usually find myself joining after event one, sometimes after event two.
I’m happy to play out the events with the aim of then playing another four on the next roadtrip “with friends”.
Unfortunately though it keeps disconnecting me after the final roadtrip leaderboard screen.
The other issue I’ve had a couple of times is getting stuck on an event leaderboard.
It’s not returning me to freeroam.
I can hear others drive off and then the drive to event timer ticking down and then it kicks me back to solo play.
Any ideas please?
I’ve just tried again, this time I joined a game after event 4, at the Destination Vote screen.
Moments after the timer counts down I’m disconnected and back in solo again. http://1drv.ms/1uHdD3c
Every time i try to go online i get disconnected after 30 seconds i called xbox support we tried everything. The operator thought it was a corrupted save file so i had to delete everything. Even after that it wasnt fixed i was level 127 40 hours into that game and no online ughh.
Gave it another try this morning.
I seem to be able to race the events and drive between them just fine.
This time I tried not voting at all at the end but it still boots me back to single player.
Tonight I will try and find someone to invite to a private online road trip session and see if that does the same.
Me too. If anyone wants to go for the achievement add me and we’ll get through it as a party. Usually online between midnight and 4 am EST. GT same as username
Me too. Does XB read these forums? Has anyone reported it. My strong intuition is that it’s a problem on their end and not with a locally corrupt file. If it was, a whole lot of people will have to uninstall and start all over.
I have the same problem. Fortunately one of the road trips I connected to had a Playground Games Q&A Programmer in it (I was star struck even by that… Sad I know). I told him about the problem and he said they were looking into it, so we know a fix is coming!
hi, i would you to sort out the problame i’ve been having with your gameplay online. the is problame is that when i’ve won a roadtrip session, i try to pick the next roadtrip and i get disconnected. this issue needs to be resolve if it don’t get sorted i’ll get a investergation team from watcdog,if notthing change’s.
Threats really help in contributing to solving the problem by posting exact descrptions.
That said, I had trouble finding an online roadtrip today so I made someone else party leader, he found a roadtrip without issues and we raced for more than 3 hours non-stop online in full 12-player lobbies. The longest I drove online without issues was 8H straight until I got bored and disconnected myself.
So excuse me but the issue can (!!!) be on your side as well as server-side.
Today me and Hot Gemma were in an online road trip and we both lost connection at the pick a destination screen after the championship had ended, only happened the once mind.
I’ve been trying to get this achievment for 10 road trips with a friend for a while now, I actually got two trips in a row last night, but , and keep gettting disconnected after every road trip , now its too late to get that cheevo… I hope this gets fixed
My brother and I experience these disconnections too. Not always but frequently enough to be slightly annoying.
As an aside, I always laugh when people threaten investigations or litigation over online features in video games. I can’t think of much that is more hilarious.
When you purchase a game, if you read the fine print on the back of the box, you will see all sorts of legal speak. One of the lines usually goes something like “Online features and system requirements subject to change over time.” It may seem like a simple sentence, but it virtually absolves the company from responsibility if anything were to go wrong with the service.
Every game is subject to the same “Terms of Use” which, just by running the game, it is assumed you agree to. That is viewable at www.xbox.com/live/termsofuse
Basically, you can’t do anything about it. You’d have more luck trying to light your home on hamster power.
So when I do online road-trips, I join no problem, I am able to participate in the events, but when it comes time to vote for the next part of the trip, I get disconnected from the session. Sometimes my vote counts and sometimes it doesn’t, but when the time runs out I get disconnected from the session every time and it’s quite frustrating. Also, I have been disconnected mid-session once or twice as well, but not lately. Every time I am able to join another session, but again I get disconnected after voting.
Anyone else have this problem and/or know how to fix this issue?