disappointment with competition

Due to the promoting of car slamming and corner cutting and cheaterboard racing I will be trading in my copies of all the forza motorsport games I have for different games. I am one that is just tired of the tiny tuner crap always being the dominant cars to use. I am tired of people butt ramming me going into corners and wrecking me. I am tired of people cutting corners and spending more time driving off the track than on the track and still winning races. Its just getting worse with every forza title that comes out. Never knew that a 97 Honda civic can blow the doors off a 70 chevelle ss 454 in a drag race… very unrealistic. Never knew that drifting around corners is faster than actually cornering properly in a circuit race… also very unrealistic. The game has over 100 cars to choose from but yet everyone races the same 7 or 8 cars cause those are the only cars that win and that’s it. I wouldn’t have bought forza 5 if I knew the drivatar system was completely useless to the online racing. I thought it was supposed to download and recognize your racing style and everything and then match you up with people of the same specs. But no, you still get put into rooms with the same training wheel racers and morons that just wreck people for fun. If this is what turn 10 is gonna promote as “racing” then I’ll find other games to play cause it is not my definition of “racing”. I don’t ram into people and cut corners to win. Id like to see a real race car in real life cut corners through the grass and still end up winning races and not get any damage whatsoever. Sorry but for me Forza has just gotten to be a huge disappointment and bore for me. Till they get a handle on the separation of cheaterboarders, wreckers, and people like me that actually try to make different cars go as fast as I can around a track, I will no longer play the forza titles and will not recommend people to purchase the game unless they like wrecking and cheating. Take care. Goldenolds1972

Well i see some of your complaints as valid. Im pretty sure that there are a lot of hondas that will beat nova 454 in a drag race period. You have to realize that some cars are going to be better then others just for the fact that it is a car designed around racing and has better balance weight distribution and traction for certain classes. That being said i haven’t raced on line yet but i do believe there will always be idiots damageing online games. Cod comes to mind on hardcore team death matches you would always get some guy useing a rocket launcher to blow up as many teamates as he could. They did an update for that so i imagine they may try to update this as well. Also i would strongly suggest using leader board tuned cars if trying to keep up with the leader boards. Also watch replays and see what your lacking. I like the feeling of the game so far offline with the leader boards as i feel the challenges make the game more worthwhile. There is always going to be someone better then you at certain tracks with certain cars. I suggest getting good with one track and car setup at a time and see if that helps.

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  • Don Ente