After today’s update I cannot seem to go and get designs from the sharefront. I get in car, go to find designs, and wait and all I see is empty boxes and the “New designs are constantly being added…etc” blurb on all cars I own.
tried a hard reboot of the console?
Yeah I was getting that, turned the box off and back on again and it worked.
Ok guys will give it a go. Ta
Nope. Did not work. Cannot see any available designs at all
to hard reboot you need to go to power settings and turn off instant on, then power off and back on.
Did a hard reboot before. Tried it your way and still no share front designs showing
Tried rebooting your router?
Unplug it from the wall
In a Next Gen styleee?
Yeah, if that doesn’t work blow on the disc and jiggle the handle
Will try that when I get home this evening and let you know.
Not laughing Worm.
Well seems to be all fixed now…phew. Thanks guys for your help…and sorry worm for grumping