Designs on share front issue

After today’s update I cannot seem to go and get designs from the sharefront. I get in car, go to find designs, and wait and all I see is empty boxes and the “New designs are constantly being added…etc” blurb on all cars I own.

tried a hard reboot of the console?

Yeah I was getting that, turned the box off and back on again and it worked.

Ok guys will give it a go. Ta

Nope. Did not work. Cannot see any available designs at all :frowning:

to hard reboot you need to go to power settings and turn off instant on, then power off and back on.

Did a hard reboot before. Tried it your way and still no share front designs showing

Tried rebooting your router?

Unplug it from the wall

In a Next Gen styleee?

Yeah, if that doesn’t work blow on the disc and jiggle the handle

Will try that when I get home this evening and let you know.

Not laughing Worm.

Well seems to be all fixed now…phew. Thanks guys for your help…and sorry worm for grumping :wink: