Design Star Criteria

Anyone else ever tried to figure out what it takes for a design to get each number of stars?

I was just trying to figure it out by going through my designs. I started out checking to see if there was a threshold for minimum downloads, likes, and/or uses for each star.

My highest of each for a 3 star was 24, 3, 21 while my lowest for 4 stars were 10, 0, 5. 4 to 5 stars max and min showed similar lack of correlation.

Next thought was to add up all three numbers for each design. 1 stars were all 0, 2 stars had totals between 1-9, 3 stars were between 10 and 35, 4 stars were between 36 and 92, I have none between 93 and 98 and the lowest 5 star design was 99.

Is the criteria as simple as adding the three up or is there more to it than that? I have correlation there but also have some holes too. If it is that simple, where is the 5 star break?