Design Achievement help

Looking for a little help with the Design Achievement.

I have been doing some Drag races with my 63 Beetle design , but I cant seem to get enough to get the final Design Achievement, I have done about 75 drag races tonight, but I don’t think that is enough…

if anyone wants to do some Drag racing , my drag tune and this Paint is available

Thanks in advance

Smash up

I’m going to try your drag tune, and I’ll give your paint a few runs , I hope you get that Cheevo’…

It doesn’t count if you use the design yourself, it has to be used by other people.

Oh yes, I did 75 laps with my friends G.T… but I think I need around 120 uses to unlock the next achievement… if anyone can do just a few to help out… I will do the same for any who post here that helped out…

It’s easy to get this yourself by setting up a 2nd GT/account on your console. The XB1 automatically gives any accounts set up on your console gold status as long as you have gold status. Not going to go into the rest of how to do it but the guys over at can help with that ; )

Sadly this is a broken system in my opinon…unless you get a T10 select or somehow manage to get your design to the front page of designs when you buy a car, then getting 120 uses in 24hrs seems next to impossible…
trueachievments is an excellent source of info…
I had 116 uses in a day - 14k cr, 237 uses in a day - 9k cr = broken system…I am so close to getting the final achievment though…ill give ur design a use when able. Good luck bud.
oh and poster above - sick sick pic man!!! Love it!

Thanks all. I did another 50 drag runs today, that gives me 125 runs in 2 days. plus some that other posters have done… thanks

i should get the final cheevo for designs today…

post here if you are giving it a go yourself… I will be sure to race your paints in the same period you do… it needs to be done in a 24 hr period between the eastern time updates.
